On Friday, all of second grade went to the Zoo! I was looking forward to this day yet I was anxious. I knew I had to forget something. But, after all my hard work, the zoo field trip was a success. I had two students who did not bring their permission slip back and I left three students behind due to misbehavior. Yes, my class was the best behaved class at the zoo. I was incredibly proud of them. IF I had brought the three misbehaved students, it would have been polar opposite. I made a great decision. That morning, we took our spelling and vocabulary tests, restroom break then off to the buses. The bus ride was relaxing, thanks to my students. When we arrived back to the school, the kids were pooped! I rented Disney’s Oceans to watch after the zoo. This helped with the exhausted students and my planning. All in all, it was a great day.