Monday, August 12, 2013

Instructional Leadership Reflections

After reflecting on my technology skills, I realized that I am not up-to-date on listservs because as a district we use Outlook which uses groups for communication. As far as web publishing, I know the basics but I am not fluent in any language. These are not skills require or even recommended for administrators, there will always be IT specialists to help with more intricate areas of internet use. For the most part, I am very knowledgeable on internet use and operating the internet so I can serve as a mentor in this area as well. I have not used podcasts, wikis to share writing, or shared bookmarks. Web Tools are the newest aspect of technology for me and I am trying new things every day. Web Tools are the main technology that you have to play with to learn. There are many ways to use them to be beneficial. I would like feel comfortable mentoring staff member in this area. I feel there are many other people who are more knowledgeable in this area.

I have completed or started all my Campus Based Leadership Activities. I enjoy taking that leadership role and having the opportunity to learn from great leaders. I have had the opportunity to observe and learn with a new vantage point. I will always be a teacher at heart and have the students in the forefront of all of my discussions as a leader.

My Action Research Project is well underway. I will be able to fully implement my project and this school year. I’m lucky enough to have an administrator who trusts and believes that I can make a difference with school morale. When I approached people about my ideas, they were enthusiastic and very supportive. They all agreed that there needed to be a change. I’m happy to bring a positive change to the school. 

Web Conference Reflection

I found the web conference extremely helpful in more areas than I originally anticipated. Many of my questions were answered and I gain knowledge of other events and assignments because I was able to see other’s questions and concerns. With so many assignments and deadlines coming up, I was reassured that support is provided and as long as you complete all requirements, I should be fine.  The web conferences really help with clarifying assignments and requirements.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Draft Action Research Project Progress Report

Developing Functional and Integral Members of an Instructional Team

In the past three years of teaching, I realized that there is a need for positive communication and idea sharing for the best interest of the students. I have worked with four teams in the past three years and below is a graph that shows the need of collaboration broken down by year.

As you can see, the need for support has grown. Looking at the first year, although the “need support” group is not greater than the “do not need support” group, when nearly half of the team is begging for some sort of support, the team leader should be concerned.

With that said, my goal is for each teacher to function as an integral member of the school instructional team and makes a highly significant contribution to the educational program through positive communication and idea sharing.
There is something called the Greenhouse school. It is where the school carefully cultivates the environment for the teachers to grow and care for the students. Teachers want schools with a strong instructional culture, a culture that fosters great teaching. They value schools where the entire faculty shares a clear vision of excellent instruction, and where school leaders focus on helping all teachers reach their full potential in the classroom.

Creating a positive, stable school culture is the key to solving this issue. School culture is always going to fluctuate with the change in administration. Sadly, the change in administration happens too often. I have been in two schools where it’s the principal’s second year and changes are happening to the dismay of the staff.   Educational leaders and instructional team need to realize that change will happen and will not stop, be flexible and push through. How can the staff maintain the culture without influence of the changes in the administrative team? The staff needs to look beyond the changes in the school and look at what changes they want to see in their classroom. It is up to the instructional team to make the school culture positive regardless of the administration.

So, first here are some reflective questions to ask. In what ways can our school develop a collaborative culture characterized by teachers from different grade levels communicating, understanding, and sharing expectations for all of our students? Teaching staff may not have a clear understanding of the expectations of students in consecutive grade levels. Cultivating a culture on campus where teachers can collaborate collectively about student progress and achievement is the goal.

Setting the foundation is critical. A learning organization has a common purpose and focus, a commitment to a clear vision, and collaboration on the issues regarding improvement. Collaboration represents a systematic process in which teachers, support staff, and administrators work interdependently in order to impact their classroom or school practice in ways that lead to better results for their students, team and school.
First the instructional team will need to determine set priorities and standards of gathering information. This is where the administrative staff can help; the instructional team will need to gather resources and accommodate for the teaching staff. As a whole, set an agenda for the school year on topics that will be discussed throughout the collaboration meetings, urgent and necessary issues.

By taking action for school improvement, the staff will be taking the issues into their own hands.  Organizing committees or groups is vital; the enrichment team, specialists, etc. Monitoring improvement actions, do any of the activities need to be altered? Have any of the timelines, resources, or persons responsible changed?
 One the key problems have been agreed upon, there are steps to take to ensure resolution. After enacting the resolutions, there are ways to analyze the data. There will be three focused collections of data that include student assessment measures and scores, teacher interviews as well as administrative interviews, and a collection of student work and artifacts. In order to sustain improvement we can use of the CARE Model (concerns, affirmations, recommendations, and evaluation) will help examine and improve this project throughout the years.
A strong school cultures has better motivated teachers. Highly motivated teachers have greater success in terms of student performance and student outcomes. School principals seeking to improve student performance should focus on improving the school’s culture by getting the relationships right between themselves, their teachers, students and parents.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Action Research Plan Update

I have been holding weekly meetings for teacher staff and administrative collaboration. In the meetings we share curriculum and instructional ideas as well as integrate Smart Board technology. We have not gotten to the point in the year where we are sharing enrichment activities and classroom management ideas. We will be there very soon. We are currently identifying and discussing student failure, prevention strategies and integrating activities between grade levels. The assessment part of this activity has not been implemented yet; each team/department will develop a plan for documenting the activities staff will be engaged in during the school-based professional development and staff collaboration. Then the information will be collected by administrators weekly. The current topic at hand is keeping parents updated on classroom news via class website and increase involvement in the current parent committee. This will increase positive communication opportunities with our student’s families and caregivers.

Now looking at the plan again I realize that I do need to contact a few fellow staff members and the administrative team to help with the continuation of my plan. We are heading in the right direction and need to keep the momentum going in order to be successful. My goal is for each and every teacher to function as an integral member of the school instructional team and make a highly significant contribution to the educational program through positive communication and idea sharing. The outcome will be a more positive working environment for the staff and students, trust among staff, students, and parents, as well as a bank of homogenous ideas for all to use.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reflection on Reseach for Teachers

The wonderings and questions part of this class was the best part. I was able to really dig into serious issues in education and I was able to look at what others thought were serious to them. At first I wanted to research the process and effects of strengthening teacher evaluation. There is a need for a more complete teacher evaluation to evaluate teachers more fairly and accurately. Principals need to go beyond the surface with observations and need to know what goes on behind the scenes.  Principals and teachers will benefit from a better evaluation process. I know some teachers hang their career on every word, suggestions, criticism that their principal or appraiser makes. It’s difficult to understand how an evaluator can give a rating based on one hour in your classroom. It seems superficial and a more comprehensive evaluation will really create a complete picture of the teacher and his or her accomplishments for the year. I also wanted to look into parent involvement in elementary schools. How does parent involvement affect student achievement? What are the best ways for parents to get involved with their child’s education? How can a school create a partnership around student learning? The results will positively affect the student directly as well as the parents. Due to the increase of parent involvement in elementary schools, the teachers, principals, and schools will see greater results. Targeted parent involvement to solve a particular problem such as poor attendance or behavior can also be beneficial.

After some discussion with my supervisor we decided as our first endeavor together, I will research the topic of school culture. School Culture - In what ways can our school develop a collaborative culture characterized by teachers from different grade levels communicating, understanding, and sharing expectations for all of our students? Teaching staff may not have a clear understanding of the expectations of students in consecutive grade levels. Cultivating a culture on campus where teachers can collaborate collectively about student progress and achievement is the goal. This research will mainly pertain to the faculty and staff in my elementary school which is Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade. There are eight kindergarten teachers, eight first grade teachers, and seven second grade teachers. I will be teaching first grade so I will mainly be working with the kindergarten, first grade, and second grade teachers when discussing student expectations, successes, and low achievers. We will be working together to ensure that each level of students are prepared to be successful in the next year/grade. I will be new to this school so at first, I will be observing their methods of collaborating. Then I will suggest new and improved methods and strategies of communication throughout the grade levels. I hope to implement a new technique or protocol for meeting and discussing student issues. In the end, I hope to help create more open communication for all teachers and staff to improve the overall education of the students at our school.

Although there will be some resistance to this new plan, my supervisor made it clear that she would be supportive. Some drawbacks to this plan are the interactions within the groups can be unproductive. The ability to manage all groups and ensure an effective discussion on school and student learning will be difficult.  This plan is time consuming. There will be meetings outside of the working hours, how will the teachers be compensated, or will they voluntarily stay after hours? To prevent any negative attitudes towards this plan, I have to stress the importance of our jobs. This will create shared vision and outcome for all students, an open, trusting, caring culture, and shared leadership that develops responsibility in all members of the community, that helps people respect the need for operating for the common good and that both challenges and supports people through the change process. This is time to work together to support change and learning and increase collegiality with communication procedures to allow for knowledgeable participation, conflict resolution, valuing difference, and cross-gender, cross-cultural, cross-generational dialogue. Authentic partnerships will be created that expand the network and increase everyone's opportunities to learn. We will be able to discuss classroom and school environments where all "care about each other and help each other learn", effective teaching and learning strategies that motivate students, that addresses a variety of learning styles and that helps to promote life-long processes, skills, attitudes and knowledge of learning,  and finally assessment procedures that continuously measure students' ability to use knowledge in a variety of contexts, using a variety of assessment methods and a variety of assessors, including student self-assessment.

I have high hopes for this research project and I am incredibly excited but nervous. I will be a new teacher on campus and to the district. I hope I will have the support the staff expressed at the time of hire. This class opened my eyes to the possibilities of action rather than following and complaining.